America...we have a problem...a large problem...

Every year Americans are spending more and more of their money on healthcare.  While much of what we spend on healthcare cannot be helped, there are some basic preventative measures that can go a long way to reducing our long term healthcare needs, and thus our healthcare spending.  Our poor habits are taking a toll on our bodies and our wallets.  We need to incrementally change our habits and we need to start by creating A Healthy Plan…

Read Our Blog!


Welcome to A Healthy Plan! This website was designed to help individuals navigate the many questions associated with Health Care. From the Health Care system to individual health goals. Find all your answers right here!

Our Healthcare System...

Red heart health chainWe all need to know how best to navigate our healthcare system. Whether you are concerned about Medicare, prescription drugs, your own insurance, or how you are affected by the affordable care act (Obamacare), this is where you will find information to help answer those questions.

Our Mind and Bodies...


basket full of health foodWe know more today than we have ever known about the cause and effects of diet and exercise. Yet…we are unhealthier today than we’ve ever been. This is where you can find out what those effects are. Having routine aches and pains? It may very well likely be from excess weight.

Our Money...

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Aside from abusing our bodies, our bad habits are having a major effect on our wallets. Not just the money we spend to obtain and maintain our love handles (and more), but also the money we will have to spend on “upkeep” as we get older.

Our Solutions...

A man staring at the screen says solution

Being the right weight is in grasp of all of us. We just need to work harder at doing so. Here is where you can find help to do so.